School Admissions Arrangements


As a community primary school, school admissions are administered by North Yorkshire County Council. The admission criteria can be found at: 



All Reception aged children will join the school from September. 


As a community school, North Yorkshire's Education Department deals with applications for Reception admissions. Providing that you live within North Yorkshire, have registered with a local doctor, you should automatically receive information about the admission process.  


Contact details: Admissions team: 01609 533679 or 

Our published admissions number in each year is 11 pupils.  

If you are thinking of sending your child to our school then please contact us to look round.  All application must be made via North Yorkshire Admission or if you live in Lancashire, via Lancashire Admissions.  




Once we know your child has been offered a place a Thornton in Craven, you will receive a letter inviting parents to an introductory evening. This is arranged during the term before your child starts nursery/reception so we can welcome parents and children to our school and explain our induction programme. 


Our induction programme consists of an information meeting to which we invite new parents and visits for new children to meet their teacher, see their new classroom and experience some of the activities they will enjoy when they join our school. An induction pack is given to parents at this meeting. 



In Year Admissions 


Year 1 to 6 


For families moving into the area, or for children changing schools during the year, in-year admissions to the school are dealt with by North Yorkshire County Council at or telephone the In-Year admissions team on 01609 533679 

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