Welcome to Oak Class!

Oak Class contains Year 5 and 6 children.  Our class teachers are Mrs Whitwell (Monday and tuesday) and Mrs Moorhouse (Wednesday to Friday). We are supported by Mrs Acornley.  

Our classroom is full of resources that children can choose to use to support their learning. Spellings and timetables are practised weekly and we follow White Rose Maths. We love building on what we have found out in classes below to expand our knowledge and also taking on the new challenge of learning French. 

Mrs Whitwell can be contacted on nwhitwell@thornton-in-craven.n-yorks.sch.uk

Mrs Moorhouse can be contacted on nmoorhouse@thornton-in-craven.n-yorks.sch.uk



Maths homework is sent out every Tuesday evening and must be returned to school the following Monday.Times Tables test each Monday – keep encouraging your child to practise and use TT Rockstars. They each have their own login.

English homework is sent out on a Thursday to be returned the following Wednesday. All children will also receive a half termly topic homework where they are required to choose and complete 2 out of the 4 tasks per half term.

School Planners 

All children have a school planner that should come to school each day. It contains key information to help your child with their learning and should also be used a communication method between home and school. These are checked daily, and any questions/queries will be dealt with accordingly.


We have a PE session every week on a Monday and Wednesday their PE kit should be in school to take part in this.

Our Learning 

Have a look and see what we’ve been up to this half term. 

This half term we have made shadow puppets we wrote short stories and retold them using a shadow puppet theatre. 


An overview of what we will be learning this year can be found in the links below.


Reading for pleasure class 4


Oak Class Newsletter

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