Welcome to Chestnut Class


Chestnut Class contains Y1 and Y2 children.  Our class teacher is Mrs Wilkinson.  We are supported by Mrs Brown.

Children in Chestnut Class experience a more formal approach to learning, but this is varied so the children receive some outdoor learning still to help their transition from Class 1. Phonics is carried on being taught throughout Year 1 and into Year 2. The children will have a daily phonics session. They follow White Rose Maths through daily lessons. 


Mrs Wilkinson can be contacted by email if needed on ewilkinson@thornton-in-craven.n-yorks.sch.uk .  



Children will have three reading sessions a week in class where we will focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension. Once the children have completed these three sessions, they will then bring the reading book home to share with you at home. They should be confident reading the book when it is brought home and will hopefully enjoy sharing it with you! Year 2 children will transition onto Accelerated Reader throughout the academic year. They will choose a book that interests then and once they have read the book will complete an online quiz to check their understanding. 

It is also just as important that you read to your child as well as them reading to you. Below is a link to some chapter books that you could read to your child suited to both children in Year 1 and Year 2: 



Homework is set half termly. Your child will be given a homework grid where they can select a minimum of three pieces to complete throughout the half term - they can complete more if they wish! Completed homework should be shared with the teacher and it weill be celebrated in class and added to our homework display board. Chestnut Class worked extremly hard completing their homework tasks last half term. All the children worked creatively and enjoyed sharing their homework with their class, speaking confidently to explain what they have done. 


School Planners

All children have a school planner that should come to school each day. It contains key information to help your child with their learning and should also be used a communication method between home and school. These are checked daily and any questions/queries will be dealt with accordingly. 



We have a PE session every week on a Monday and Friday their PE kit should be in school to take part in this


Our Learning

Chesnut Classes learning, and examples of work can be accessed below in images, and this will be updated half termly. 


Design Technology 

Chestnut Class have been working hard to design and make their own fruit smoothies. We had lots of fun and enjoyed tasting our finished smoothies. When we evaluated most of us gave them 5 stars! 



In gymnastics we have been working hard on our balancing, jumping and rolling skills. We have been working in groups to sequence a selection of jumps, rolls and balances and the children have been great at naming what other children are doing. We have completed log, egg and teddy bear rolls, pencil, star and tuck jumps and flamingo, knee and arabesque balances. 


Reading for pleasure class 2


Chestnut Class Newsletter

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