Our School's senior mental health lead is: Miss Suzie Brown 

How do we support mental health at school?

At Thornton in Craven Community School we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils, staff and members of our school community. 

Learning about mental health is part of our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum for all children. This teaching and learning for all is part of the prevention phase of mental health. Children receive dedicated PSHE teaching each week. Beyond lesson time, our school culture embeds good mental health. For example, our extensive grounds have been developed as a haven for nature and exercise. Pupils have access to these areas at playtimes, during the daily mile and in gardening club and sports clubs. There is always a staff member for children to talk to.  

Working with Parents

Parents are always included in any concerns we have about a pupils’ health. We ensure that parents have a voice and recognise their contribution.

Please also see our Zones of Regulation page to help your child talk about how they are feeling. 

The latest North Yorkshire offer for support can be accessed here: https://cyps.northyorks.gov.uk/...

Details of Lancashire services can be accessed here: https://www.healthierlsc.co.uk/download_file/force/5282/6797

Many of our pupils and staff live in Lancashire and therefore may access Lancashire services for support. When signposting families, staff will take into account their home address.

For staff the school has access to health assured and details can be accessed here: https://nyestraining.co.uk/...

How can I get help for my child?

If you are worried your child may be experiencing mental health issues, please talk to your child's class teacher or Miss Suzie Brown - Headteacher and Mental Health Lead.

If you feel you or your child needs further support there are a number of local and national organisations listed below that can help.  School is also always here to help and please do talk to us at any time.










Mental Health and Well being policy

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