Breakfast Club

Every day from 8.00am till 8.30am

                              8.30am till 8.45am

£4 a session

£1 a session

After school club

Every day from 3.30pm till 4.30pm

                            4.30pm till 5.30pm

£4.50 a session

£4.50 a session




On a Monday Kanga Sports will be running a field games club for Reception to Year 2

from 3.30-4.30pm


On a Wednesday Mrs Malonely and Mrs Shellis will be running gardening club for Reception- Year 6



On a Wednesday Kanga Sports will be running a rounders club for Year 3 - 6 





On a Thursday Sportscool will be running a Athletics club for Year 2 to Year 6

from 3.30pm-4.30pm







On a Friday Mrs Wilkinson will be running a Netball club for Year 4 to Year 6





Please click on the link to sign your child up to after school clubs beginning after half term. Please make sure you are signing your child up in time and pay online if needed.













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