

Computing Curriculum Statement

The Curriculum Leader for Computing is Mrs Nicola Moorhouse. Computing is also supported by our Governor Mrs Rebecca Lofthouse who leads computer science at a local secondary school


Through the teaching of Computing we aim to develop the processes of computer systems, technologies, hardware and variety of software. We also aim to provide the children with opportunities to work through the essential elements and concepts of computer science, programming and data handling as well as building on the children’s digital literacy through research, communication and presentation skills. Computing will encourage creativity, logical thinking and problem solving and will have strong links with other areas of the curriculum.

Through the study of Computing, children will be able to develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding that will equip them for the rest of their life. Computers and technology are such a part of everyday life that our children would be at a disadvantage would they not be exposed to a thorough and robust Computing curriculum. Children must be taught in the art form of ‘Computational Thinking’ in order to provide them essential knowledge that will enable them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world beyond our gates.

Thornton-in-Craven Community Primary School takes internet safety extremely seriously. We have an E- Safety Policy that provides guidance for teachers and children about how to use the internet safely.  Every year group participates in lessons on e-safety and children understand how to stay safe when using technology.  We will have a strong focus on E-safety every Autumn term and weave this into all learning throughout the year where we build on incorporating e-safety in all areas of technology that we use such as social media, tablets and mobile phones. 


To enable children to become independent, confident users of computers and IT, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities

To ensure continuity and progression in all aspects of the Computing curriculum and programme of study

To use IT effectively as a tool to support teaching, learning and leadership across the curriculum

To provide children with opportunities to develop their Computing and IT capabilities within other aspects of the school’s curriculum

To ensure ICT is used, when appropriate, to improve access to learning for pupils with a diverse range of individual needs


Each term a class will work on completing units of work from the yearly overview (Long Term plan). This will ensure the breadth of skills and knowledge as detailed in the national curriculum for computing is taught during each key stage. A two-year curriculum cycle is detailed to ensure children undertake the breadth of activities required in the programme of study and avoid duplication. We use the Purple Mash programme to ensure breadth and depth of the Computing curriculum. We supplement these units with other resources and programmes to ensure we provide a cross section of resources for the children to experience.

Each class can access a bank of laptops to teach computing. Sufficient time is also available to reserve resources to support learning in other aspects of the curriculum. 

Purple Mash units and planning is used to:-

a. Set clear objectives.

b. Ensure that work is matched to pupils’ abilities, experience and interests;

c. Ensure progression, continuity and subject coverage throughout the school.

d. Provide criteria for assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning.

e. Ensure the needs of pupils in mixed age classes are met at the appropriate level

Teachers use the unit overview that accompanies each unit of the Purple Mash scheme of work. This provides objectives for the lesson, a clear lesson by lesson sequence and links to resources. Teachers are encouraged to adapt the resources and plans to suit individual cohorts and circumstances. Computing is also implemented across all aspects of our school curriculum, with one example being the use of Times Tables Rockstars or spelling shed.


The importance of online safety and celebrations of the computing curriculum are shown through displays within the learning environment where appropriate.

Parental Communication:

Parents are informed when issues relating to online safety arise and further information/support is provided if required.

We provide parent sessions on E-safety each year as well as providing links on our website to support them and their child/ren should they need it.


Thornton-in-Craven Community Primary School takes immense pride in the teaching and learning of computing and strive to ensure that every child can become a confident user of technology, while being able to use it to accomplish a wide variety of goals, both at home and in school. Children will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the implications of technology and digital systems by the time they leave our school. This is important in a society where technologies and trends are rapidly evolving.  They will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems, which will hold them in great stead in their future endeavours.

Computing in the Early Years:

It is important in the Early Years stage of schooling to give children a broad, play- based experience of computing in a range of contexts.

Children in Early Years settings experience a wide range of technologies throughout their play including; iPads, computers, cameras, beebots and interactive whiteboards. They use these forms of technologies to access age-appropriate software, to provide opportunities for mark making as well as supporting their imaginative play, often re- enacting real life experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. Children thrive on the ability to incorporate technology into their learning and through careful planning of their continuous provision, Early Years practitioners are able to provide a number of devices for children to use competently and independently, to support child led learning.  In addition to this, technology is a fantastic tool to enable children to build confidence, control and improve language development through specific online programs.

Computing Documents

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