A warm welcome to parents, caregivers and Friends of Thornton School (FOTs) 

Welcome to the Friends of Thornton section of Thornton in Craven Primary School's website. All parents are automatically members of the Friends of Thornton School (FOTs).  

We in the FOTs organise events to raise money for the school.  We have some very dedicated members who meet on a regular basis to arrange events such as the Summer Fair, disco’s and other activities.  We are always looking for new ideas of events that we can organise and also new members to join FOTs, so if you have any ideas then either send them into school or come along to our next meeting usually held at The Tempest, Elslack  - the date and time are advertised on our Friends of Thornton Facebook page.  

Our FOTs is about much more than simply fundraising.  The FOTs exists to provide closer links between home and school, and it is an excellent way to bring staff and parents together socially in support of the school.   

How can I help? There are so many ways you can help here are some examples 

  • Sell raffle tickets 

  • Donate raffle prizes 

  • Chaperone the school discos 

  • Entertain at the school discos 

  • Run one of the stalls at our summer fair for an hour 

  • Help in preparation of the fairs 

  • Build us a game for the school fair 

  • Prepare food 

  • Run errands 

If you would just like to help out at the events then again this would be appreciated and we look forward to seeing you soon. On behalf of the whole FOTs we would like to thank you for your continued support. 

  • Sell raffle tickets 

  • Donate raffle prizes 

  • Chaperone the school discos 

Who can help? We are lucky to have involvement from not only parents (both mums and dads) but grandparents and friends. 

I can’t attend meetings can I still help? Absolutely. You are always welcome to help out at any event. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for events. 

If you would like more information or would like to join us please feel free to approach me in the playground, contact us through our Facebook page, email us fot@thornton-in-craven.n-yorks.sch.uk 


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