School Lunches

Healthy school meals are prepared on the premises.  Our school cook is Mrs Seed. Children may bring packed lunches, which must be in clearly marked boxes.

Any parents who think they may be entitled to free school meals are encouraged to contact the school office where these enquiries will be dealt with in confidence. 

In order to help with the administration and ordering, parents must inform school, giving half a term's notice where possible, if a child is to change their lunchtime arrangements. 

The weekly dinner money is paid on the school’s ParentPay system in advance. School meals cost £16.00 per week (£3.20 per day). 

All Reception, year 1 and year 2 children are entitled to a free school dinner. We also offer Friday Lunches, any child that does not have a dinner on other days can try them on Fridays.


Packed Lunches 

Children who prefer can bring a healthy packed lunch. We ask that this does not contain any chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks. Please ensure that it is in a strong, sealed container that is clearly named. 

Need ideas? Change4Life have lots of easy-to-prepare lunchbox ideas and tips.



School Lunches Information

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