Physical Education
Physical Education Curriculum
Our subject leader is Mrs Emma Wilkinson
The intent is that:
- Children develop and apply fundamental movements within every lesson.
- Children are active throughout each PE lesson.
- Children are at the forefront and have direct impact on their learning within lesson and through pupil voice.
- Staff have a clear understanding of the National Curriculum, through regular CPD, the use expert external coaches,
- Learning is supported and enhanced through skills supporting a range of curriculum sporting activities e.g. Rugby, football, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities.
- EYFS lay strong foundation focusing on fundamental movements, fine and gross motor skills.
- Learning is differentiated to support the needs of every child. -
- Swimming and water safety is taught throughout Year 3/4 and extra opportunities are taken to continue to improve 25m swimming percentage
- Sports Premium Funding is spent effectively to develop a lasting legacy for PE & Sport at school.
- Cross-curriculum links are made explicit through the whole school focus on outdoor learning and training (Science, Mathematics, KS1 topic themed PE)
Our intent is achieved through:
- Subject expertise, through observing sports coaches, CPD & Twilight sessions (for individuals, the subject leader and whole staff) ensures that Physical Education is taught effectively.
- Teachers use PE planning documents to support them in their planning. These documents are progressive, coherent and apply fundamental movement skills which are year group appropriate.
- Formative Assessment is embedded through regular interventions in class.
- Subject vocabulary is displayed where appropriate to support learning as well as begin reinforced by teachers.
- Children are given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, competitive sport and Sports Day.
- Sports Premium Funding is used to increase physical competency of staff and children and also provides staff with resources and high-quality equipment
- Children are provided with their full entitlement to Physical Education
- Regular action plans, governor reports and pupil voice is used to continue to monitor and improve Physical Education.
The impact of our physical education curriculum will be:
- Children become more active and continue to do so into adulthood.
- Children continue to lead active lifestyles and release the importance of activity to support learning.
- Children become more active during playtimes and are given opportunities take on leadership roles to encourage the next active generation. -
- Children become proud of sporting achievements and want to be more active for the betterment of themselves.
- Children feel comforted, a sense of wellbeing and supported with any mental health issues.
- Children develop pride for our school and continue to compete in sport competitively and at a more elite level in later life.
- Children explore and are engaged by a wider range of sport leading them to be more active and become champions of sport.
We were awarded the School Games PE Gold award in July 2022/23/24